Friday 4 April 2008

This is SO cute, although I am aware most of the boys will want to hurt the poor bunny...

Awww... doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy? LMAO!:P


Jason said...

Get off my internet! *shakes fist*

Ben said...

Sooo sounds like it should be in some lame kids movie.
The music sounds like it had potential; too bad they went and ruined it. Even the vocal line might have been ok if it wasn't sung like a chipmunk. Maybe with some adjustment to make it not so sickeningly cute.

Sean said...

you are a pathetic excuse for a human being...

I can not believe a 25 year old woman would like such a stupid fucking thing.

Designed to make stupid little 16 year olds and preteens spend money on useless annoying crap.


Shazzie said...



Luv ya guys :D