Wednesday 19 March 2008

Bring on the long weekend.....

It's been a while since I posted a "real blog" so I thought I would put some time aside and just start typing!
Where to start?
Ok, so lately life has been a little crazy. I am working a lot at the moment, both at Renault and at MarShere. It's exam time, and so all my students are wanting extra lessons which I am having to find time for, as well as trying to squeeze a couple of extra lessons for myself with Col. I need a lot more practise before Cabaret! I'm so glad the F1 is over. Renault was buzzing for weeks with all the preparation for it. I need sleep... but finding time for such an event, without sacrificing time with friends and family is seldom easy.

Two close friends (whom were suppose to marry next weekend) called off the wedding on Sunday night. This was a complete shock, especially so close to the wedding, and can someone please tell me what one should say in this kind of situation. I feel so sorry for both of them and completely helpless. Paul was the one to call it off, but it was definitely not an easy decision for him, and I feel so sorry for Rach. She is inconsolable. I guess it was the right thing for Paul to do though, especially if he was having doubts, but it must be surreal for the both of them. Life can change so quickly.

I MISS ERIN!!! But I have been speaking to her and the boys every couple of days. Everyone is having a ball :) I'm completely jealous. Ez and the guys will have awesome tans by the time they get home. She has taken so many photos... LOL.

On a brighter note, I am thinking of starting Vocal lessons again. I have been talking to Jase and Will about it, and I think I will start at Bluenote shortly. It will be fun and hopefully make my voice a lot better, well, that's the plan anyway :P

It's a four day weekend this weekend (yeah for Easter) and therefore I plan on going out every night.... it's time to let my hair down, and drink up :P Having said that, this is NOT an invitation to you Steve Michael, to get me into the state I was in a few weeks ago, that was pure evil... :P So who's up for an awesome weekend? I'm thinking pubbing it Thursday night (after dancing at 9:30ish), and then going to Heather's party on Friday night. I'm foreseeing lots of drinking and dancing :P Woot!!!! It should be a great weekend :)


Erin said...

Dude, i have an awesome tan, im browner than the boys, mmwahahaha!

Can you tell me what happened between paul and rach via here or email, whichever.

Shazzie said...

Hey Ezzy,
Go your sexy tan!! LOL
Paul confided in me the other night, about it all, and said that he had been having doubts for the last couple of months. I don't think he loves her as much as he thought he did, or maybe he's just not able to picture a future with her in it. I'm not fully understanding the situation at present, but I commend him on having the courage to call off the wedding, rather than going through with it, knowing it wasn't the right thing for him to do. He said that he knows in his heart that this isn't right, and he had to put a stop to it all.
Rach, as you can imagine, is crushed. I spoke to her the other day very briefly, and she said she just needs some alone time, and that there was nothing anyone could do... my heart is breaking for her at the moment.
Paul seems to be doing ok, I helped him complete a few of the official woes that needed to be seen to, such as informing the wedding guests that the wedding had been cancelled... that was pretty hard for him, and even harder for me to find the words for Paul to use, as he didn't know how or what to put in the messages. The two of us sat in the locker room for ages trying to do it. Paul also said that this had been discussed in the past, and if anything like this happened, there would be no break, it would have to be a break up, and so that is the status of their relationship now. They are talking when required to, but are not seeing each other until the healing process is completed. Alas, the woes of love. :(