Wednesday 23 April 2008

Angel gives Buffy a claddagh ring
from Surprise (Season 2)

ANGEL: I should go the rest of the way alone.

BUFFY: Okay.

ANGEL: But I'll be back. I will.

BUFFY: When? Six months, a year? You don't know how long it's gonna take or if we'll even...

ANGEL: Hey... If we'll even what?

BUFFY: Well, if you haven't noticed, someone pretty much always wants us dead.

ANGEL: Don't say that. We'll be fine.

BUFFY: We don't know that.

ANGEL: We can't know, Buffy. Nobody can. That's just the deal. I have something for you. For your birthday. I... I was gonna give it to you earlier, but...

BUFFY: It's beautiful.

ANGEL: My people -- before I was changed -- they exchanged this as a sign of devotion. It's a claddagh ring. The hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty... and the heart... Well, you know... Wear it with the heart pointing towards you. It means you belong to somebody. Like this. Put it on.

BUFFY: (sobs) I don't wanna do this.

ANGEL: Me either.

BUFFY: So don't go.