Wednesday 9 April 2008

It's my party and I can cry if I want to...

OK... so for those whom don't know, it's my birthday on Wednesday and I have absolutely no idea what to do for it. I realize that I have left it to the last minute to organize anything decent, but does anyone have any suggestions on what to do???
I wasn't going to do anything, but a couple of people have said I have to do something so your input is required!
What do people wanna do?
Movie Night?
Singstar Night?
Arrgghhh!!! I dunno.
Please comment your suggestions.
Luv Shaz xoxo


Jason said...

Dinner/singstar-night or dinner/pub (but not a disorganised hybrid where people disagree about things) sounds good.

Erin said...

Im home!

My birthday is 6 days after yours. We should get a big mass thing happening. Yep yep yep. Scotty and i reckon Icon lol :P

And to save people disagreeing, just choose something and if people don't like it, fuck em.