Wednesday 13 June 2007

I've been inspired by you all..... It's my turn to be honest!

Some honest thoughts and feelings.....

  • I hate my name, but like being called Shaz or Shazzie
  • I don't normally tell people my middle name, if you know it, then I trust you
  • I find it hard to trust people, but always try to be trustworthy myself
  • I'm artistic but never have the time to be anymore
  • I hate my day job
  • I love my night job
  • I find it hard to find time for my family
  • I make time for my friends
  • I miss having the time to play my instruments and write music
  • I can be very paranoid
  • I can be jealous
  • I'm very sensitive and can be hurt easily
  • I am defensive
  • I worry too much about people's opinions of me
  • I love dancing, especially teaching it
  • I'm trying to get over my stage fright, Karaoke is helping heaps!
  • I love meeting new people
  • I hate backstabbers and fake people
  • I hate liars
  • I love all shades of Green, Jade being my favourite
  • I love 80's music
  • I think humour and intelligence are the sexiest qualities a man can have
  • I love to laugh
  • I love Musicians and Dancers, and have always been attracted to both
  • Yes.... I went to band camp, every year!
  • I love the rain, just not being outside in it
  • I'm generally a positive person, but sometimes I need a good cry
  • I think the best place to cry is in the shower
  • I had my heart broken and have never fully recovered
  • I put walls up around me too much, I wish I didn't... I'm working on it
  • I wish I went to Uni to study Music
  • I want to travel around Europe and America, but fear I will never have the money to
  • I want to get Married and have children eventually
  • I really envy Amy for having a song written for her, I've always wanted someone to do that for me
  • I wish I had more self confidence, I pretend to have it
  • I fear that nobody has ever seen the real me, and it worries me that I'll never have the courage to ever show her
  • I should sleep more, but am scared of missing out on life
  • My greatest fear is dying alone, I think about this almost everyday
  • I over-think everything
  • I love cuddles, and only truly feel safe when i'm in someone's arms
  • I'm insecure
  • I'm vulnerable
  • I see the positives in everybody, but find it hard to see them in myself
  • I long to be accepted and loved
  • I don't take compliments very well as I'm always expecting a "but"
  • I try to tell the people I love, how I feel everyday, although in some cases this is very difficult for me
  • I worry that i'm wasting my life, although I have no idea how to improve the situation
  • I can't help thinking there's more out there for me, but I have no directions to find it, whatever "it" may be
  • I feel incomplete.......


Erin said...

I love you pretty lady.

Jason said...

Musicians all the way!

If you're pretending to have self confidence you do a pretty good job, and you're awesome at karaoke too. Rock on Shazzie!

Rick said...

I think I know your middle name, but can't remember it.

I go to choir camp, three times a year! Well, 4 I guess if you count the big interstate one.

An ex of mine has recently released her debut EP: "Don't Fall in Love with Engineers". But it was all written before I went out with her, it's just mostly coincidence. Or a pattern...

I remember crying in my room in Year 8 thinking about how I was going to die alone and lonely. And a virgin. Heh.

I'ma very positive person, but it is also laced with the downside of eternal optimism in the face of bleedingly obvious reality. "No you don't have time to do that..."

I've broken hearts. It's not nice.

I want to go to Europe too, but I don't know if I'll ever have the organisation and will.

I have little willpower. This manifests itself in things from procrastination, getting out of bed with my alarm in morning and being responsible other peoples emotions.

I do the thing I want to do rather that the thing I should do too much.

I have fun!
