Thursday 28 June 2007

High on Medication.....

As the title suggests, I am sick, and slightly high on medication at the moment, so what a perfect time to post a blog, after all they were designed for random rambles weren't they?

It occurred to me this morning how much it sucks to have a sore throat, of all the possible symptoms related to a cold, this has to be the worse. I sound husky and it is painful to talk. Actually it's painful in general, but that's enough whining!

Tomorrow night is Benji and Jas's birthday party and it's going to be awesome. Although I've just realized that I have nothing to wear, hrm... ninja clothes.... must consult Aimez!! After 6 months of cluttering the entrance, Benji has sorted and moved the boxes that once threatened to remain there forever. Well Done Ben :0) Actually, the guys house is an awesome location for a party....well minus the fact the bathroom is upstairs, and I'm foreseeing my destiny of falling down (or possible up) the stairs, making a not-so elegant entrance! Note to self, one step at a time Shaz... :0) Jason has picked some random (yet great) songs and created a playlist, and Scotty and Jas have/are constructing some sort of structure for shelter outside... pray for fine weather people. This "structure" as such, may not be as stable as required from Jason's descriptions... LOL! Just kidding guys!

After a conversation with Jason yesterday, I have been contemplating which Superhero power I would like to possess. Flight, Mind control, Strength, Speed, Invisibility, Time Manipulation, Future Predictions, Healing Powers, Telekinesis, or (as seen in heroes) Technology Manipulation. Of all these, and the many more possibilities, which would you rather have? I tend to lean towards Healing powers or Flight. Healing powers for the obvious reasons. And flight, for the freedom associated with it. I mean, imagine the amount of petrol money you would save! LOL. Plus, it's much better for the environment... hehee! But seriously, imagine being able to fly wherever and whenever you desire. This concept is not only enticing and alluring, but comforting too. When a situation gets too difficult to handle, whoosh.... off I go to find an Utopia... (I love that word!)

Ahhh.... My throat is starting to really hurt again, must be time for more medication...hehehe! :)



Jason said...

I'm not sure what (if any) power I'd like to have. I tend to feel any such power would likely come with an inherrent sense of responsibility, at least for me, along with a massive temptation for misuse.

Regeneration (as opposed to healing, I wasn't clear which you meant in your own post; think the difference between Clair and Linderman) could be pretty good.