Tuesday 4 November 2008

Time to Blog...

Wow, its been ages since I blogged so I thought I would start typing and see what happens... So, what's been going on in my life of late? Well, lots really. I have recently discovered how unpredictable life really is. Things happen, things change, and we are left thinking what the hell! But its up to us to pick ourselves up off the ground (or our jaws in some cases) and work through these hurdles. Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change our lives forever. Life is not lying in wait in the future like some ominous destiny, or hidden in the heavens, like a paradise or promise. Nor is it shut up in the prison of our past. It is here and now, it is what we live and what we do. I still believe that everything we experience in our individual and combined lives mould us into who we are, and who we will become. Unfortunately its not always an easy path and the simple sounding sentence “Hang in there” or “things will get better” seem worthless. But as cliche as it sounds, Nobody said life would be easy, they just said it would be worth it! So I'm trying to keep that in mind. On a positive, its times like this I realise how lucky I am to have friends and family who love and support me. Thanks Erin, you have been my lifeline!

Anyways, that's enough of that! This is what I have been up to... I've started a new job at Spectrum Fire in Nunawading, which is ok, and most of the people there are nice, but its nearly a two hour round trip and that sucks hardcore!! I hate driving on the Monash! But meh, its money so I can't really complain. I'm there until about Christmas. The company is expanding and have purchased a larger office complex in Hallam, where their Nunawading, Hallam, and Thomastown branches will merged into one. Unfortunately, the Hallam office already has a receptionist, so there won't be a position for me there. But in the meantime I will find something else, and all will be good.

Onto other news, I had a car accident last Monday, which pissed me off. I need a new bumper. I ran up the arse of someone, so technically its my fault, but the stupid woman missed her exit (on the Monash) and rather than taking the next one, she decided to slam on her brakes and try and make it anyway, so of course... BANG! I hit her :( It could have been a lot worse, and I wasn't hurt at all, so I guess that's something to be grateful for. Still, it is really annoying, I'm completely jinxed when it comes to cars, I seem to attract all the retarded drivers, it must be a curse! And shuddup people, I can hear your laughter from here... I swear I'm a great driver, its OTHER drivers that are the problem! :P

September 27th was Cabaret and my Gold Star exams. My rumba (which was my first Gold Star level exam) was choreographed by myself and therefore I was very nervous about it. I added some crazy figures and an insane about of turns and spirals, but thankfully I managed not to fall on my arse when performing it, and nailed all the dips and lunges etc. I received a High Distinction for both my Rumba and Argentine Tango, and so I was happy. I tried to upload the videos onto here but it's being a Monkami, so if you want to see them, they are on my Facebook. Thanks to those who came and gave me support, especially Ez who's screams were so loud they were heard over the music and are on the video :P

I had MarShere's Aurora Awards on October 25th. It was great. It was held at the Convention and Exhibition Center in the city, and thanks heaps to Benji for driving me there and home again. And thanks Jase for letting us use your car :) You guys are the best :P Everyone looked awesome and the band was cool. I wore the most amazing dress and managed to feel like a princess for a night. Once all the boring awards had been presented, it was a good night. There was about 1200 people there so it was pretty crowded, but it was awesome to catch up with some of my old Ferntree Gully friends as that is the studio I learnt to dance at. Here are a couple of photos.

The Karaoke comp is back, and this time first prize is $1000 ( I SO want that money). Trav, Will, (PJ, for those of you that know him) and myself have made the final, but there's still a few weeks before it takes place, so I encourage you ALL to give it a go. It's $1000!!! You've got nothing to lose! This especially goes out to Brylee, you've got a great voice, you will just need to hang around long enough to be chosen :P We will have to make the final a big pub night with everyone there, and make sure I have plenty of wine before I have to get up there and sing... aarrrgghhh! LOL I will let you know the date when I find it out myself :P

Christmas is only about 6 ½ weeks away (that's scary) how freaking fast has this year gone??? What are peoples' plans for it? Is anyone going away with family? I assume most of us will be with our families for most of the day, but maybe we could meet up on Christmas Eve. Do we wanna have a Kris Kringle deal this year? It would be cool to exchange presents, but seeing as the group is rather large, a Kris Kringle would be a much cheaper alternative and yet still ensuring that we all get something. Maybe a $20 limit? It would be nice to do something with the WHOLE group, maybe a special meal and then go look at Christmas lights or something. We should discuss this and plan something soon. Let me know what you think.

Moving on to some more randomness, I wrote a song, and am trying desperately to write lyrics for it, man that's hard. So if anyone is concealing a lyric writing talent, yell out, I could use your help!Its a piano ballad (as much as Nat and Sean will hate that fact) lol, but its nice and for those of you who will understand this, it has a lot of minor chords creating a smooth, dark sound. It reflects exactly how I was feeling when I wrote it, but it needs lyrics, it has a strong melody which should be sung... c'mon, someone must be good at poetry or even just writing!!! LOL Speaking of writing songs, I finally got my birthday present from Jase a few weeks ago. He wrote me a song, how awesome is that? Hehehe... I love it, thanks Jase xo

Ok, so its late now and considering I have had a migraine for the last 3 days, I should probably get some rest. Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup (WOOT! Day off) so I will see you all at the BBQ. In conclusion here's a quote I heard the other day and thought I'd share it with you all... "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin


Steve said...

I couldn't help but turn several of your sentences into songs, times like these.. nobody said it was easy... anywho, I beleive I'm still somewhat drunk from last night but a big chrissy dinner would be awesome. Also I so wanna hear your song :) As fun as it would be to attach lyrics to it, I think that's gotta be your job since the music reflects how you felt, the lyrics should also.

Shazzie said...

LOL yeah, as I was writing my blog, the same songs came into my mind too :P

I tend to agree with you about the lyrics, the song is very personal and therefore it seems only right that the lyrics be of the same nature. I will just have to lock myself in a room and not leave until they are written :P

I'm thinking the Christmas dinner wouldn't be that hard to organize, we should get cracking and sort something out :P

Nat said...

i agree with the chrissy party. i'm allowed to have something here if no one else wants to...

Jason said...

I'm up for some sort of christmas thing, I probably won't do much (if anything) with the family.

I also wanna hear this song of yours, and I can help synthesize a better recording if you're interested in that.

I've given myself the crazy project of trying to create a whole album worth of music all following a common theme of some sort over this summer, I'm probably gonna need your help recording some lyrics at some point. :-)

Jason said...

Also, that dress is awesome.

Shazzie said...

Thanks Natty Nat Nat, we will work out the details and let ya know.

Jase, I TOTALLY need your help to produce a recording of my song as I have neither the software nor know how to do it.

And I will help you with your album :)

Erin said...

"Thanks Erin, you have been my lifeline!"

Fuck yeah, go me! Wombie for the win.

Christmas dinner would be cool.

Nat said...

if i do happen to host something, in all of its randomness for me lol, i dunno bout christmas eve... i can't remember if mum has her own thing on that night. anyway, ages away yet

tony said...

a christmas dinner would be great is there the possibility of a group thing on boxing day too so i can ignore that side of the family...they stopped giving presents to everyone over 21 except for my other two cousins who are 24 and 26 respectivly and my aunties and uncles and grandma so just me in the end...motherfuckers anywho best to jut ostracise them and then contest the wills for shits and giggles..but main point can we do something boxing day to avoid seeing the other side of the family that we usually dont like.