Friday 19 September 2008


I just got home from my specialist appointment and received some great news. I will not require another blood transfusion, the last one has taken really well, and my red blood cell count is in the normal range again. I feel awesome. I am so relieved. My weekly injections have now stopped and with the exception of the daily medication I have to take, I am almost normal again. The Doctor said to make sure I continue with the treatment/rest that I am having now, and we should be able to see even more improvement over the next month. YIPPEE!!!!!

I need to be careful not to fall back into old habits though. This new found awesomeness I have been feeling is misleading. I still have Anemia and probably always will, it's just now I am out of the danger zone and can live a much more normal life. The Specialist said to still expect off days, and the occassional dizzy spell etc but it should be a lot less frequent. I have to continue to rest more often, eat better, and take my iron medication, but meh who cares... no more injections or transfusions, I'm so happy LOL. Can you imagine having injections almost every week for eight months? Its NOT cool! I feel like a freaking pin cushion :P

I'm also allowed to start teaching again which is great as I have missed that a lot. But I think I will continue to only go once a week, as I don't wanna over do it again. Also as of next term I will be joining the Monash Phil which has rehearsals on Thursday nights so it would conflict with dancing anyway. I have missed music so much, and I can't wait to start playing again. I feel as though it will fill the void that I have been feeling lately. I can't wait.

Anyways, I just wanted to give you all my news and keep you updated. Thanks people for your support, I'm finally starting to beat this... WOOT! It's time to celebrate, bring on Heather's party tomorrow night xo