Tuesday 6 November 2007

I said ENOUGH!!!!!!!!

Seriously, God, or Karma, or whomever is controlling my life, enough is enough. I have had it! I can't cope with anymore. Life is suppose to be easier than this. I can't handle what's going on at the moment, and I feel as though the universe it laughing at me. I don't deserve this, nor do I want this shit to continue. This is all getting too hard, and even those people whom I thought would be there to support me through anything are slipping away. It's time to give up, in fact, I believe I already have....


Jason said...

How very melodramatic.

Life is not meant to be easy. Life is not meant to be anything; it simply is, and is to a large degree what you're able to make from the cards you're dealt.

It's unfortunate that you've had such a tough time recently and any reasonable person can surely emphathise, but dwelling on the negative events in your life is generally unproductive and can often diminish the positive things in your life. Everyone faces challenges, and although not all challenges are equal and it may seem like your own are particularly bad at the moment they are not insurmountable, nor are they the worst challenges a person can face or unfortunately the worst you will likely face during your lifetime.

Reach out to those who will support you rather than lamenting the inaction of those who do not.

Focus on the good around you rather than dwelling on the bad.

"There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." - Carl Jung

Live for the days, and do not dwell on the nights.

Scott said...

Yeah what jason said, plus i think when you've had a series of shitty events like that it can work out for ya in the end. A few years ago i had 3 close family members die in the time of a month but in the end I became a stronger person. Yes still not a good trade but its never just negative.
Sorry I have no quotes or poems....or good grammer

Jason said...

Grammar damn you.

Our experiences make us who we are, and it is often from some of our darkest moments that we gain the insight and capacity to be of help to those around us.

Shazzie said...

Thanks Guys.....
I'm starting to feel better about things,it's just gonna take some time :)