Monday 30 July 2007

Born to Hand Jive....

This weekend was awesome.

Friday night I went to Phantom of the Opera. Although I was disappointed that Anthony Warlow's understudy performed that night, it was still fantastic! The scenes and props were unreal and the level of talent was amazing. For those of you seeing it next month, you won't be disappointed! It is worth the money! :D

Saturday was MarShere's Competition. It was a LONG day and night, but it was good! Amy-Felicity and Rick placed in every event they entered which is fantastic! I am very proud of them. I videoed all their events, so be sure to go to Amy's place and watch their routines! :)

This year, there was a teacher floorshow event, which I and a selection of other Langwarrin teachers entered. We ended up winning first place. It was awesome. Our routine was danced to "Grease Lightning" and "Born to Hand Jive", and therefore the girls were in Pink Lady outfits and the guys were in T-Bird Jackets. (See photos)
We will now get to perform the winning routine at this years "AURORA AWARDS" in November. The "Aurora Awards" is MarShere's version of the Brownlow Medal, and is held annually at Crown Casino. I have been nominated for Gold Dancer of the year, so that is going to be a great night!! Can't wait! :D

Sunday I slept! I felt like I could have slept for days! Sunday night was my friend's birthday dinner at Kirks in Mornington. Rick, Amy, Benji and I went, and it was good. Awesome Chicken Parmas!!! LOL
Rick and I then took Amy and Ben to a beach that we discovered last year in Mt. Eliza. It was absolutely freezing, but the stars made up for it. It was beautiful. It's my favourite place to be at night. It's always so quiet and peaceful.

So there you have it, a great weekend, that went way too quickly, as always! This weekend.... NIGHT OF STARS! :D

Friday 27 July 2007

If you said good-bye to me tonight, would there still be music left to write?

What's got into me? I never used to feel this way. Never needed someone to belong to, someone to belong to me. Now I sit here in the darkness, and I don't know where you are. Tell me how I'm going to face it, has it got to be so hard? And there is no way in sight, I can get through this night. Tell me what do I do. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you. Not a day goes by when I don't wonder why, I don't hear from you. So is this goodbye?

Let me in, to see you in the morning light. I want you to believe in life, but I get the strangest feeling that you've gone away. Will you find out who you are too late to change? I wish I could be every little thing you wanted, all the time…. Sometimes!

If I could paint, I'd paint a portrait of you. The sunlight in your eyes, a masterpiece of truth. And a single tear like a silent prayer, that’s shining so much brighter than a diamond ever dared. If I could do anything at all, I'd do it for you.

I've been alone with you inside my mind. And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times. I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile. You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide. ‘Cause you know just what to say, and you know just what to do. And I want to tell you so much, I love you. I long to see the sunlight in your hair, and tell you time and time again how much I care. Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow, hello, I've just got to let you know. 'Cause I wonder where you are, and I wonder what you do. Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you? Tell me how to win your heart, for I haven't got a clue. But let me start by saying, I love you.

Like a shadow through the dark, in the loneliness of all I see. I'm walking around with half a heart, since I lost the better part of me. I can't let go of the past, when every breath just pulls me back to where we started.

Saying you love, but you don’t. You give your love, but you won’t. You’re stretching out your arms to something that’s just not there. Saying you love where you stand, give your heart when you can. If you could only see the way he loves me, then maybe you would understand. Why I feel this way about our love, and what I must do. If you could only see how blue his eyes can be when he says, when he says he loves me.

How do you cool your lips, after a summer’s kiss? How do you rid the sweat, after the body bliss? How do you turn your eyes from the romantic glare? How do you block the sound of a voice you’d know anywhere? I really should have known by the time you drove me home, by the vagueness in your eyes, your casual good-byes. By the chill in your embrace, the expression on your face, that told me, maybe you might have some advice to give, on how to be Insensitive. How do you numb your skin after the warmest touch? How do you slow your blood after the body rush? How do you free your soul after you’ve found a friend? How do you teach your heart it’s a crime to fall in love again? Oh, you probably won’t remember me, it’s probably ancient history. I’m one of the chosen few, who went ahead and fell for you. I’m out of vogue, I’m out of touch, I fell too fast, I feel too much. I thought that you might have some advice to give, on how to be, Insensitive.

I always needed time on my own. I never thought I'd need you there when I cry. And the days feel like years when I'm alone. And the bed where you lie, is made up on your side. When you walk away, I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. When you're gone, the face I came to know is missing too.

I hear your name in certain circles, and it always makes me smile. I spend my time thinking about you, and it's almost driving me wild. I ain't missing you at all, since you've been gone. I ain't missing you, no matter what my friends say.

You say you wanted more, what are you waiting for? I'm not running from you. Come break me down, bury me. I am finished with you. Look in my eyes, you're killing me. All I wanted was you. I tried to be someone else, but nothing seemed to change. I know now, this is who I really am inside. Finally found myself, fighting for a chance. I know now, this is who I really am.

This is the last time that I'm ever gonna come here tonight. This is the last time, I will fall into a place that fails us all inside. I can see the pain in you, I can see the love in you, but fighting all the demons will take time.

Can you work out the 12 songs (including the title)? They are some of my favourite lyrics!

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Test your knowledge...... Good Luck

How Well Do You Know Me?

Take the test and post your results as a comment! :D

Tuesday 10 July 2007

The complicated and chaotic mind of Shaz

I'm in a reflective mood today and as I am avoiding doing any work at all, I figured it was time for a blog. Lately I have been contemplating a few things.... Life, Friends, and Change.

LIFE in general is good. Not perfect, I doubt it ever will be, but for the most part, I'm content. I still lack direction and this sometimes scares me, but I'm learning that things will happen in time, and there's no point stressing about things we have little control over. I have been listening to friend's advice lately and it is all starting to sink in. Impatience is a curse that I suffer from and I drive myself insane with it. But I'm learning that those things we have to wait for are almost always worth it.

My best friend Jodie-Anne gave birth to her son on Friday and he's beautiful. This, as you can imagine, got me thinking.... life is ticking away, and what do I have to show for it. Yes, I have awesome friends, a family that loves me, and a job I generally love, but yet I still feel I'm holding back from beginning my life. I remember being 16 and (like most 16 year old girls) planning out my future. I always thought I would be married by 24, and would have started a family by now. My Brother (whom is younger, I should add) is married, has a Son, and another one on the way, and I feel some what inferior in comparison. What defines a successful life? What are we truly measured by? Is it marriage, and children? Is it a career? Or is it how happy and fulfilled we feel about ourselves? And is there a time line that we should be striving to follow?

It seems everywhere I turn at the moment, I hear about another engagement or another baby, and I consider, should I be one of these people? My family of course, are not helping matters at all. For the last 3 years they have been pointing out the obvious at every given moment... it's time to settle down now Shaz, Dave is already married, wow.... better get a move on. This naturally ignites my inner rebel and I take four steps back. Why is it so important for others to dictate my future? I'm satisfied with where I am at present (I think) and therefore I should just stop stressing about pleasing others, and what their opinions of me are. I think I just answered my own question!

Moving right along..... Next topic.... FRIENDS. I have made some great new friends during the last six months. My life has improved so much since meeting Amy-Felicity. I have never felt so accepted and appreciated than I have since meeting her and all of you. A particular person recently called me a "breathe of fresh air" and they have no idea how much this impacted my life and especially my self confidence. I feel I have changed a lot this year and this is greatly due to my new friends. You are all so liberating, and you all seem so carefree (the majority of the time). I was talking to an old friend the other day and she made the comment that I seem some what different. In fact her wording was, "you seem happy and a lot more confident". I immediately told her about you all and that I met you at a point in my life, where I was ready for change. I have always had friends whom were stronger than me, so that I felt as though I had someone to follow or to hide behind. This was evidently a defense shield as believe it or not, I use to be the shyest person I knew. It wasn't until becoming a dance teacher that I started to come out of my shell. I still find myself a little quiet sometimes but I can normally snap out of it before anyone notices. Isn't it funny how different our perceptions of ourselves and those of others can be so completely opposite. And how our outer appearances can hide how we are truly feeling on the inside. All our insecurities and fear can be camouflage with a simply smile or laugh. And if that fails.... have another drink! There's nothing better to disguise fear than alcohol! Hehehe!

CHANGE is inevitable and we will have to succumb to it eventually. It amazes me that you are all still so close after high school, believe me, this is rare and you should all treasure each other and your friendships. I know things have changed since then, as I have spoken to a number of you about it on different occasions, but this is destined to happen. Change isn't always a bad thing, it's growth. So I encourage you all to embrace it, and learn from it's lessons. Relationships will end, and then new ones will begin, and some of them are certain to remain "confusing and complicated" forever. But whatever the situation, we are whom we are because of them, and therefore we should strive to accept this. Change is scary and often avoided for this reason, but it takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, and to embrace the new. There is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.

So there you have it, my random ramblings, and an insight into the complicated and chaotic mind of Shaz.

Monday 9 July 2007


Hey Hey!

After many months of avoiding it, I have succumb to the pressure given by Amy-Felicity and Rick, and have opened a Facebook account. Although I don't see what all the fuss is about, I think Myspace is much better... hehee!


Thursday 5 July 2007

See... it's science!

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances:
if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

I like this....

When you get to the end of all the light that you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught how to fly..

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Ben and Jason's Ninja Party

Something to think about....

"Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else's life forever."