Thursday 6 September 2007

Something I stole from Caz.....

Mood: Blissfully Happy, yes I know.... here have a bucket! :P
But seriously, life is so awesome at the moment, it's surreal. Who would have thought that I would be lucky enough to have such wonderful friends whom make me feel completely loved and cared for. I love you all.
Work sucks, but even that can't take the endless smile off my face, and I have the most special boyfriend, whom makes me feel incredible. He is intelligent, honest, funny, kind, compassionate, and completely adorable :P Even after learning all of my dark secrets, he still wants to be with me. He's amazing.
(I LTT U baby xoxo)
Ok.... that's enough, I think I need a bucket now too! :D

Listening to: Fox FM, Ricki-Lee's new song, I really like it :P

Chatting to: A Co-worker and Benji via sms.

Can't wait for: Sunday night! Hehe.... Lets leave that answer there! :P

Nervous about: My Gold dancing exams next Saturday night at Cabaret. I'm performing the Mambo and Paso Doble exams in front of 300 people! So scary! That and the Karaoke Grand Final on Tuesday night. Speaking of which, please come down to the pub on Tuesday and show your support, I'm gonna need it, that and a few drinks before getting up on stage. ARRGGHH!!!

Should be doing now: The mountain of warranty claims on my desk, but hey, I'm here aren't I? What more can they ask for? Hehehe :P

Upcoming event: Scotty's birthday pub crawl on Saturday! RSVP him people!!!! It's gonna be an epic night, and I am foreseeing a major hangover on Sunday... Grrrr. :P

Sorry I'm missing: Sleep.... I never sleep, but even I'm getting to the point where I feel as though my brain is shutting down! LOL I am planning on sleeping for most of Sunday :D

Wish I had: More money! Money is evil but unfortunately it's required to live. I was talking to Scott yesterday and I said I wish I could exchange goods for dance lesson etc. I think the concept of paying for a tank full of petrol with a cha cha lesson is hilarious. :P

What I should get: Hrm... I dunno. A cleaner for the boy's house maybe??? LMAO! :P

What I'm doing tomorrow: Going to work :( and then I have no idea. My boy is going to hang out with his band camp geeks all weekend, and Amy and Jase are going to Phantom of the Opera. I'm thinking of something low key. I need to save my energy for Saturday night. I think I might hang out with the delightful Ez, she's always awesome! :P

Weirdest thing I've seen this week: Hrm... I dunno, the scariest thing I've seen would have been the boys kitchen last night. I have never seen so many dirty dishes in my life. That must have been a record, even for them. Gosh guys, wash your dishes after you use them! Meh.... it earned me two sticks for the dishes roster, which Fudgey kindly added me too, damn, does that mean I have to do them again? LOL! At least I'm off the hook for a while! ;)

Ok well that is all people!
Love to all from the Pong Goddess!
(recently appointed by fudgey for kicking everyone's arse at Wii Pong)
Oh yeah!!! :P


Erin said...

I going to a huge bbq in Carrum Downs tomorrow night after work, but then i can do stuffage afterwards.

Anonymous said...

"He is intelligent, honest, funny, kind, compassionate, and completely adorable", are you cheating on Ben! :P If you want more strikes your more than welcome to continue the dish washing

Shazzie said...

LOL at Scotty's comment! :P
Ben is all thoses things and more :D
And ah no... I have had my fair share of your dishes for a while. It's your turn, or possible Ben's or Fudge's! LOL