Monday 1 June 2009

A few changes...

It feels like a lifetime since I wrote here, but I have been surprisingly busy during the last few months. Hrm... what's been happening. I've been working at Coates Hire in Dandenong since February, and what started as a 8 day assignment has turned into 3 and a half months and possibly a permanent placement. Its ok there, and most of the guys are cool, but the department I work in is so disorganized, that no one seems to know what's going on. I have come into a job and have (for some unknown reason) been asked and expected to fix things. This includes a total overhaul of procedures and job descriptions. Yes I know what you are thinking, as I'm thinking it to... Why the hell are they getting a Temp to do this, and more importantly, why am I not being paid a whopping huge fee for it? I have constructed a PowerPoint presentation for the Directors of Coates to view, suggesting better and more efficient procedures in producing purchase orders etc. I work with some of the laziest, forever complaining men in the world, and the funny thing is, if they quit all their bitching and whining, they would get through all their work tasks quite easily. Dumbarses!
But things are slowly improving, and I am always busy, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as the days fly. I've been told that my position is under review at the moment, so with any luck, I will be full time very soon.

I have made a couple of decisions lately, the main one being my resignation from MarShere dance studio. It was something that had been on my mind for some time, and I finally quit last Friday. The Studio Principals were great about it, and they understood my reasons for resigning. I just found it too hard to distinguish the fun from the work, and it was interfering with my personal dancing. I was looking at the studio as more of a work place than a place of leisure. So I am continuing with my personal lessons and exams (in fact I am performing my Gold Star Jive shortly) but I wont be a Teacher or Receptionist anymore. After sooking about it for a couple of days, I'm happy with my decision now, and look forward to dancing for myself again.

On a brighter note, Benji and I are going to Tassie on Thursday 11th June, and I can't wait. It's to celebrate our anniversary and will be a lot of fun. I haven't been on a plane since I was 8, so that will be awesomely cool :D

Ok, so I have run out of crap to write about, so Au revoir!

Monday 9 February 2009

This is funny...