Sunday 25 May 2008

HOLY SHIT - this kid is awesome to the max!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Life is an art we are required to practice without preparation, a score that we play at sight even before we have mastered our instruments

I haven't posted a real blog in ages, so I though I would just start typing and see what comes from it. Life generally has been really good of late. Ben and I are back together, and things are going well. He is amazing and makes me feel better about myself. I love being with him. Actually, it seems love is in the air all around, as there are some random hook ups happening at the moment. Ben and I were laughing about it last night. We were laying in bed talking and we heard both Fudge and Scotty came home from their (separate) "dates" last night... hehehe. It was amusing. Also, Cara is finally going to Bendigo to see her "Robbie" and the already existing couples seem to be happy too. Awww... doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside :P BAHAHAHAA!!!!

Although not all is perfect in my life. For those whom don't know, I was "retrenched" from work on Monday and so as of Friday, have no income. It was pretty harsh actually, as I was called into a meeting at 4:45pm and told I wouldn't be needed the following day. Pretty dodgie considering I have worked there for almost 2 years. Apparently, it had nothing to do with work performance as they are very happy with mine, but they aren't able to make my position permanent and feel it's not fair to keep me there knowing it will never change. They have decided to rotate temps every three months instead, which makes no sense at all, because by the time they have trained my replacement, a new person will start... retards, oh well it's their loss isn't it! I have to start looking for something new pronto as the bills and rent don't vanish just because I'm out of work. Although, on the plus side, I have loved having this week off (paid) as it's been a nice break :) But now it's time to get motivated and find a new job.

Oh... woot. I just got a phonecall from one of the jobs I applied for less than an hour ago, I have an interview in a hour and a half... Gotta go :)

UPDATE: The interview went really well, I have a second with the CEO next week... fingers crossed :)