Thanks everyone for making Saturday night so awesome, it was great. A BIG thank you to Scotty, Jase, Fudgey and Benji for allowing my Birthday party to take place in their home, and for making the effort to clean up for it, the house has NEVER been so clean. My advice, try and keep it that way, it looks great :)
Anywho, here are some of the photos from the party, enjoy xoxox
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Birthday pics...
Posted by Shazzie at 1:09 am 1 comments
Angel gives Buffy a claddagh ring
from Surprise (Season 2)
ANGEL: I should go the rest of the way alone.
BUFFY: Okay.
ANGEL: But I'll be back. I will.
BUFFY: When? Six months, a year? You don't know how long it's gonna take or if we'll even...
ANGEL: Hey... If we'll even what?
BUFFY: Well, if you haven't noticed, someone pretty much always wants us dead.
ANGEL: Don't say that. We'll be fine.
BUFFY: We don't know that.
ANGEL: We can't know, Buffy. Nobody can. That's just the deal. I have something for you. For your birthday. I... I was gonna give it to you earlier, but...
BUFFY: It's beautiful.
ANGEL: My people -- before I was changed -- they exchanged this as a sign of devotion. It's a claddagh ring. The hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty... and the heart... Well, you know... Wear it with the heart pointing towards you. It means you belong to somebody. Like this. Put it on.
BUFFY: (sobs) I don't wanna do this.
ANGEL: Me either.
BUFFY: So don't go.
Posted by Shazzie at 1:05 am 0 comments
Friday, 18 April 2008
Maybe it's time to see the world...
I don't know how else to put this. It's taking me so long to do this. I'm falling asleep and I can't see straight. My muscles feel like a melee, my body's curled in a U-shape. I put on my best, but I'm still afraid.
Propped up by lies and promises. Saving my place as life forgets. Maybe it's time I saw the world. I'm only here for a while. And patience is not my style, And I'm so tired that I got to go.
Where am I supposed to hide now? What am I supposed to do? Did you really think I wouldn't see this through? Tell me I should stick around for you. Tell me I can have it all. I'm still too tired to care and I got to go.
Posted by Shazzie at 11:59 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 12 April 2008
It's Party Time...
Ok Peoples, here's the plan for my birthday party:
Thanks to four awesome guys, I am having a party at the Boy's house :D
When: Saturday 19th April
Where: The boy's house
Time: 8pm
BYO Alcohol
RSVP me on my mobile or comment this post.
See you there xoxox
Posted by Shazzie at 11:38 am 13 comments
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
It's my party and I can cry if I want to...
OK... so for those whom don't know, it's my birthday on Wednesday and I have absolutely no idea what to do for it. I realize that I have left it to the last minute to organize anything decent, but does anyone have any suggestions on what to do???
I wasn't going to do anything, but a couple of people have said I have to do something so your input is required!
What do people wanna do?
Movie Night?
Singstar Night?
Arrgghhh!!! I dunno.
Please comment your suggestions.
Luv Shaz xoxo
Posted by Shazzie at 9:03 pm 2 comments
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
So You Think You Can Dance...
Thank you to everyone whom came to Cabaret on Saturday night, it was awesome. I was really happy with my results, and am extremely grateful for all your support. Here are some of the photos I took:
My little Brother Scott and I
Cara and Rhiannon looking beautiful
Amy and I
Rick, Amy and Chris
Benji and I before my Hip Hop Routine
Chris and I
Jason and Cara
Jason and I
Will and Quintin
Posted by Shazzie at 10:48 am 0 comments
Friday, 4 April 2008
This is SO cute, although I am aware most of the boys will want to hurt the poor bunny...
Awww... doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy? LMAO!:P
Posted by Shazzie at 10:34 am 4 comments